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PostgreSQL , json , gin , rum
'{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb ? 'b'
'{"a":1, "b":2, "c":3}'::jsonb ?& array['b', 'c']
'["a", "b"]'::jsonb ?| array['a', 'b']
'{"a":1, "b":2}'::jsonb @> '{"b":2}'::jsonb
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' @> '{"b":{"c":[2,3]}}'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row)
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' @> '{"b":{"c":[2]}}' or jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' @> '{"b":{"c":[3]}}' ; ?column? ---------- t (1 row)
或(注意1,2,3需要双引号,作为text类型存储,因为操作符?| ?&
postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":["1","2","3"], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' -> 'b' -> 'c' ?& array['2','3','4'] ; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":["1","2","3"], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' -> 'b' -> 'c' ?| array['2','3','4'] ; ?column? ---------- t (1 row)
(js ->> 'key1' )::numeric between xx and xx (js ->> 'key2' )::numeric between xx and xx
The default GIN operator class for jsonb supports queries with top-level key-exists operators ?, ?& and ?| operators and path/value-exists operator @>. The non-default GIN operator class jsonb_path_ops supports indexing the @> operator only.
操作符,但是效率高)postgres=# create table tbl(id int, js jsonb); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create index idx_tbl_1 on tbl using gin (js jsonb_path_ops); CREATE INDEX
postgres=# create table tbl(id int, js jsonb); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create index idx_tbl_1 on tbl using gin (js); -- 使用默认ops即可 CREATE INDEX
create index idx1 on tbl ( ((js->>'k1')::float8) ); create index idx2 on tbl ( ((js->>'k2')::numeric) ); ... create index idxn on tbl ( ((js->>'kn')::float8) );
create extension btree_gin; create index idx1 on tbl using gin( ((js->>'k1')::float8), ((js->>'k2')::numeric), ... ((js->>'kn')::float8) );
create extension rum; create index idx1 on tbl using rum( ((js->>'k1')::float8), ((js->>'k2')::numeric), ... ((js->>'kn')::float8) );
create or replace function to_timestamp(text) returns timestamp as $$ select $1::timestamp; $$ language sql strict immutable; create index idx1 on tbl using gin( ((js->>'k1')::float8), to_timestamp(js->>'k2'), ... ((js->>'kn')::float8) ); 或 create index idx1 on tbl using rum( ((js->>'k1')::float8), to_timestamp(js->>'k2'), ... ((js->>'kn')::float8) );
create table tbl(id int, js jsonb); create index idx_tbl_1 on tbl using gin (js jsonb_path_ops); create index idx_tbl_2 on tbl using gin (js); create index idx_tbl_3 on tbl using rum( ((js->>'k1')::float8), to_timestamp(js->>'k2'), ((js->>'k3')::numeric) ); postgres=# explain select * from tbl where js ? 'a'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on tbl (cost=2.21..3.32 rows=1 width=36) Recheck Cond: (js ? 'a'::text) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_2 (cost=0.00..2.21 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: (js ? 'a'::text) (4 rows) postgres=# explain select * from tbl where js @> '{"a":"b"}'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on tbl (cost=2.21..3.32 rows=1 width=36) Recheck Cond: (js @> '{"a": "b"}'::jsonb) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..2.21 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: (js @> '{"a": "b"}'::jsonb) (4 rows) postgres=# explain select * from tbl where to_timestamp(js->>'k2') between '2018-01-01' and '2018-01-02'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using idx_tbl_3 on tbl (cost=5.50..12.22 rows=6 width=36) Index Cond: ((to_timestamp((js ->> 'k2'::text)) >= '2018-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (to_timestamp((js ->> 'k2'::text)) <= '2018-01-02 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))(2 rows)postgres=# explain select * from tbl where to_timestamp(js->>'k2') between '2018-01-01' and '2018-01-02' and ((js->>'k3')::numeric) between 1 and 200; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using idx_tbl_3 on tbl (cost=9.90..12.11 rows=1 width=36) Index Cond: ((to_timestamp((js ->> 'k2'::text)) >= '2018-01-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (to_timestamp((js ->> 'k2'::text)) <= '2018-01-02 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone) AND (((js ->> 'k3'::text))::numeric >= '1'::numeric) AND (((js ->> 'k3'::text))::numeric <= '200'::numeric))(2 rows) postgres=# select * from tbl where js @> '{"a": {"b":"c"}}'; id | js ----+---- (0 rows) SELECT doc->'site_name' FROM websites WHERE doc->'tags' @> '[{"term":"paris"}, {"term":"food"}]'; postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}'; jsonb ------------------------------------------------------------------- {"a": 1, "b": {"c": [1, 2, 3], "d": ["k", "y", "z"]}, "d": "kbc"} (1 row) postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' @> '{"b":{"c":[2,3]}}'; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) postgres=# select jsonb '{"a":1, "b": {"c":[1,2,3], "d":["k","y","z"]}, "d":"kbc"}' @> '{"b":{"c":[2,4]}}'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row) postgres=# explain select * from tbl where js @> '{"b":{"c":[2,4]}}'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on tbl (cost=3.31..4.42 rows=1 width=36) Recheck Cond: (js @> '{"b": {"c": [2, 4]}}'::jsonb) -> Bitmap Index Scan on idx_tbl_1 (cost=0.00..3.31 rows=1 width=0) Index Cond: (js @> '{"b": {"c": [2, 4]}}'::jsonb) (4 rows)